album review by buffablog

“Indiana-based singer-songwriter Nate Logston is on his fifth (!) full length album. His songwriting is dripping with experience and the hard-earned scars that come with being a seasoned musician (and life-liver, for that matter). His latest offering is the 11-song Marriages & Divorces (M&D) – a thoughtful and contemplative look at the complexities of love, loss, and what it means to be in a relationship. M&D’s heart-on-your-sleeve vibes are perfectly orchestrated by his personal brand of indie-folk/Americana – the meandering tempos, starry-eyed energies, and warm, lo-fi mix here are a perfect match for Logston’s artistic aura.”

“Echoes of Father John Misty peek through Logston’s lyrics, a collection of broken-hearted stanzas and sardonic turns of phrase.”

“Logston channels his ennui without ever sounding woe-is-me – instead, his lyrics read as articulate, mysterious, and, most importantly, real.”

“His acoustic guitar backbones here are bolstered by moaning electric guitars and lush, atmospheric instrumentation, bringing to mind contemporaries like Bright Eyes, Elliott Smith, and Bon Iver at his folksiest. Same goes for the string-tinged “Into Afterward,” which at first sounds fuzzy and inviting but is yet another of Logston’s heart wrenching compositions.”

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album review by music mecca


album review by york calling